Pilot Node


Creating a national data infrastructure for Czech research data, integrating services with EOSC.
e-Infra CZ

e-INFRA CZ is building a pilot EOSC node based on services that are mainly provided to Czech scientists and their collaborators. Services cover both compute services (cloud, Kubernetes, HPC, Jupyter) and data services (data sharing, data transfer, and data repositories). The subset of services is already integrated into the EGI infrastructure, and the subset is also provided by CESNET in the EU Node (another instance runs on a national level). Newly developed data repositories and related services will be integrated later.

Project plans include integration of national e-INFRA AAI with EOSC AAI; improvements are expected for accounting and monitoring integration. The National RT Helpdesk should be integrated with the EOSC Helpdesk (a prototype based on previous work is available). e-INFRA plans to adopt the Resource Catalogue provided by EOSC Beyond.

Pilot Node Representative

Zdenek Sustr, CESNET