Pilot Data Space


Extending Cryo-EM Validation Report Service, ensuring FAIRness for research outputs.

The CNB-CSIC Data Space, as part of the INSTRUCT-ERIC EOSC Pilot Node, is dedicated to serving the structural biology community by providing essential data and services related to cryo-EM data validation. As a result of the combination of INSTRUCT-ERIC and CNB-CSIC use cases, this Pilot Node will perfectly represent the whole data cycle for cryo-EM data, from sample preparation and acquisition to the reconstruction of volume maps and atomic models, ensuring that quality-related data is integrated.

One of the key offerings is the Cryo-EM Validation Report Service (VRS), a modular and open system that qualifies structure maps at six different levels based on available information. Users can upload and validate their data via an open-access website, where an automated Scipion workflow handles the technical details. This service eliminates the need for users to download datasets, install software, or set up the environment. A comprehensive PDF report summarising the evaluation will be available for download.

To further enhance research reliability, the CNB-CSIC Data Space is also validating all structures deposited in major repositories such as the Electron Microscopy Data Bank (EMDB) and the Protein Data Bank (PDB). These validated research outputs are accessible through a public repository. The validation data repository can populate any EOSC catalogue such as the EOSC Research Product Catalogue or the EOSC Marketplace or other thematic catalogues coming from the INSTRUCT-ERIC Pilot Node. Additionally, each entry in the validation repository is planned to be linked to a 3D viewer, possibly 3DBionotes-WS, an interactive 3D molecular viewer that would provide detailed validation data at the residue level.

Pilot Representative

Irene Sanchez Lopez, CNB-CSIC


Pilot Representative

Carolina Simon Guerrero, CNB-CSIC