This EOSC Beyond technical workshop, coordinated by Work Package 7 Design the Next Generation of EOSC Core Services, will take place at GRNET in Athens from 27 to 28 November 2024. This event will convene technical partners across the implementation work packages WP7, 8, and 9 to collaboratively advance the roadmap for both existing and emerging EOSC services within the EOSC Beyond environment.
Together, participants will focus on refining service development to meet the diverse needs of all stakeholders – including those of the pilot EOSC Nodes – ensuring that the next generation of EOSC Core services is robust, interoperable, and aligned with the broader goals of the EOSC Federation.
By the end of the workshop, project partners expect to achieve several critical outcomes. Each product team will be responsible for their respective requirements and developments within the roadmap. There will also be an actionable plan on how to address key elements like Service/Capability/Node Discovery, ensuring that each team knows what steps to take and who is leading specific tasks.
Additionally, work will commence on the EOSC Node Reference Architecture, with teams working to lay the groundwork for a more integrated and user-friendly EOSC ecosystem. These outcomes will serve as the foundation for the continued development of EOSC services, ensuring that the cloud environment is equipped to support open science initiatives across Europe.