The 2024 edition of the “Coordination meeting of EOSC-related projects funded under Horizon Europe” took place on 20-21 June in Brussels.
As in previous editions, the meeting brought together representatives of project consortia, the European Commission, the Research Executive Agency and the EOSC Association.
The main objectives of the meeting have been identified by the EC as follows:
- To deepen the collaboration between the consortia involved in EOSC-related projects funded under Horizon Europe, the EOSC Association and the EC in the context of implementing the EOSC European Partnership and its Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA).
- To provide an update on the contributions made by projects consortia, the EOSC-A and the EC towards achieving the strategic and operational objectives of the SRIA.
- To discuss the challenges and next steps for the implementation of EOSC as a fully operational, federated infrastructure that enables the sharing of FAIR data and services across borders and disciplines.
Diego Scardaci and Mark Dietrich (EGI Foundation) represented EOSC Beyond at this meeting.